Grace Notes
Volume 1
February 2024
Photo Credit: Jack Langdon
FROm the co-founders
Two-and-a-half years ago, in September 2021, Upper Valley Baroque was established to offer world-class performances of great Baroque and Early Music to Upper Valley audiences, to provide educational opportunities, and to build a large and vibrant community of musicians and audience members who love and appreciate this music.
“Why?”, we are often asked. Simply put, we love this music and wanted more of it! Gifted with talented Filippo Ciabatti as Artistic Director, and a group of thoughtful and committed Board members, Upper Valley Baroque came into being. Our first concert was performed in December 2021. The enthusiastic response of Upper Valley concertgoers and donors since then has been amazing and humbling.
We hope you enjoy the added insights that “Grace Notes” provides, and we invite you to let us know your suggestions for future issues.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next Upper Valley Baroque concert!
Allan and Jo