Grace Notes
Volume 1
February 2024
Musical Term: Continuo
Continuo, also referred to as “Basso Continuo.” Refers not to a specific instrument, but rather to a role played by one or more musicians—specifically the role of playing the bass line in Baroque music. The continuo part can be played by a cellist, gambist, bassoonist, double bassist, harpsichordist, organist, lutenist, guitarist, or harpist, or any combination of these. The keyboard and plucked instrument players fill out the harmony by adding chords over the bass line in much the same way a guitarist plays chords in folk or pop music. The chords are indicated by a system of numbers and symbols called “figured bass.” The presence of the continuo in chamber, orchestral, and choral music is a defining feature of Baroque music—its use quickly faded in the classical era that followed.